Elder Gerrit W. Gong of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles gives his address during the Sunday afternoon session of the 189th Annual General Conference on April 7, 2019
The Good Shepherd seeks, gathers and comes to His people.
“Our Good Shepherd calls us in His voice and in His name. He seeks, gathers, and comes to His people. Through His living prophet and each of us, He invites all to find peace, purpose, healing and joy in the fulness of His restored gospel and on His covenant path. …”
“As we seek with real intent to follow Jesus Christ, inspiration comes to do good, to love God and to serve Him. As we study, ponder and pray; as we regularly renew sacramental and temple covenants; and as we invite all to come to His gospel and ordinances, we are hearkening to His voice.”
In seeking and gathering us, the Savior reaches out to the one and to the ninety-and-nine, often at the same time. “As we minister, we acknowledge the ninety-and-nine who are steadfast and immovable, even while we yearn after the one who has strayed. Our Savior seeks and delivers us out of all places, from the four quarters of the earth. …
“Today, our Savior desires that what we do and who we are becoming will invite others to come follow Him. Come find love, healing, connection and covenant belonging in Him, including in God’s holy temple, where sacred ordinances of salvation can bless all family members, thus gathering Israel on both sides of the veil.”
Christ also teaches how to minister in love.
“Our Good Shepherd cautions that shepherds in Israel must not slumber, nor scatter or cause the sheep to go astray, nor look our own way for our own gain. God’s shepherds are to strengthen, heal, bind up that which is broken, bring again that which was driven away, seek that which was lost.”