Salt Lake City | Wednesday, 22 February 2023 |
‘We’re not as concerned about being recognized as we are about taking care of people,’ Elder Cook says.

At the conclusion of a four-day ministering visit to Madagascar, Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles met with the country’s leader, President Andry Rajoelina, to discuss the island nation, its people and the Church’s growth.
“We are grateful for the welcome we received and the treatment of the government to the Church,” Elder Cook told Rajoelina.
During the meeting Tuesday, February 21, Elder Cook also thanked Rajoelina for his country’s commitment to religious freedom.
“Religious freedom helps protect both believers and non-believers,” Elder Cook said.
The president thanked Elder Cook for the service given by Latter-day Saints following recent cyclones in the country and recalled visiting some of the Church’s chapels where aid was administered to those in need.
“You help the most vulnerable,” he said. “In hard times, you know who your friends are. The Church are true friends.”
Elder Cook and Rajoelina were joined by Elder Cook’s wife, Sister Mary Cook, and Elder Edward Dube and his wife, Sister Naume Dube. President Hery F. Rakotoarivelo, president of the Madagascar Antananarivo Mission, and Sandile Makasi, area communication director for the Africa South Area of the Church, also attended.
Meeting inside Presidential Palace Iavoloha in the capital city of Antananarivo, Elder Cook was welcomed through the main entry with ceremonial guards standing at attention.

During the meeting, Elder Cook presented Rajoelina with a Book of Mormon that was embossed with his name on it. He also gave the president a statue of the Christus, which Rajoelina said would go on his desk. Elder Cook testified of the Savior and His appearance to the Nephites after His death and Resurrection. Elder Cook showed Rajoelina where he could read that story in 3 Nephi and marked it in the Book of Mormon before leaving it with the president.

Overcoming Challenges
Rajoelina talked with Elder Cook about the challenges people in his country face, including food scarcity, lack of access to clean water, weather disasters and educational opportunities. Elder Cook said he believes the Church can provide some assistance in each of those areas. The two committed to working out the details of future joint efforts.
As the group prepared to leave, Rajoelina asked Elder Cook and the others to pray for the country and its people.
Rajoelina told Elder Cook that the Church would receive recognition for its help, but Elder Cook replied that was not something the Church seeks.
“We’re not as concerned about being recognized as we are about taking care of people,” Elder Cook said.
The Apostle also praised the people of Madagascar for their growing families and the willingness to have children even when circumstances may not be ideal.

Church in Madagascar
There are currently 14,000 members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and three stakes in Madagascar, where the Church was officially recognized in 1993.
President Russell M. Nelson announced a temple for Madagascar in the October 2021 general conference. The temple’s location has not yet been announced, but Rajoelina said he is happy to know the Church will build one in his country.
“I fully encourage this,” he said.
Elder Cook explained that the temple is a sacred place for members of the Church and explained how it is connected to helping create stronger families.
“In temples, young people get married for eternity and are sealed to their family forever,” he said.